I wanted this series to be a story in pictures. The series contains 9 diptichs of a marionette on one side and shadows of the subjects on the other side; set up in different situations. They offer us numerous thoughts about personal relationships - about their nature, needs, components, conflicts, unbalances and possible positive and negative ways of their development. Yes, life is woven from endless yarns. Through relations with others it puts us in front of new and new questions in consideration, which often remain unanswered.
Who is the subject and who the object?
Who among us makes clear statements and who doesn't want to reveal them?
Who dominates and who is in an inferior role, who enforces his own truth to others?
Who is determined to take advantage of others and who is being taken advantage of?
When are we equal with others?
When are the boundaries between us overcome?
When are we entirely close to one another and when are we the same?
In the short photographic story the marionette is represented as a fairy tale character of wooden Pinocchio, who in the original story after numerous adventures at the end finally transforms into a real human being in flesh and blood. This photographic series concludes with the moral in a similar way - two subjects hand in hand.