The series presents a dialogue with some well-known, iconic works of art and my attempt to put them into a new context in an original manner. According to Dušan Rutar, at first glance the pictures seem the same as the originals or just a repetition of them, but at the same time it is immediately obvious that the scenes include something that has never been seen before, a difference has been made. The classical images in the photos include protagonists who are in some way marked by handicap. They are not hurt, sick or disabled people who would be invalid or lacking in something that other people have. They have the experience of being different, which is universal and basically presents the beginning and essence of our existence. People in the photos are no less human, no lesser in value. They wonder about the same questions, deal with the same doubts, radiate and strive for beauty, perfection, strength, realization and meaning. Therefore, the photographic series doesn’t wish to open a new perspective only in our attitude towards ‘invalid’ people. It wishes to change the attitude towards ourselves, our vulnerability, values, identities and existence.